West Palm Beach Fishing Reports - Inshore and Offshore

Welcome to WPBFISHINGREPORT.COM. Captain Zito and his crew aboard "Blue Steel" invite you to enjoy these inshore and offshore saltwater fishing reports from in and around Palm Beach as well as other areas of South Florida.

07/17/2009 Offshore Fishing Report

Sometimes the captain and co-captain have to go out by themselves without the rest of the crew so we can catch some fish. Doug (Gimp hand and all) and I went out Friday after work around 3pm only to be surrounded by big storms so we hit up Peanut Island to eat some fried chicken and mashed potatoes while the storm passed. Nothing like some PublixSeveral Snook fishermen waiting for the storms to clear joined us under the pavillion. Heard one guy say he caught a 40" Snook in the inlet. After the storms, we started a drift in about 100' and sure enough the boneheads were waiting for us so we moved in shallow to get some snapper or Kings and had 4 nice snake kings. At one time we had three fish on, and yes there was only two of us to reel them in. Called it an early night around 9pm since we were getting an early start on Saturday. Once the storms passed the supposed SE wind was non-existent and the seas calmed to make great conditions for bottom fishing. Water temperatures continue to get warmer nearing 86 degrees in 80' and 88 degrees in 200 feet but the water has been murky out to 500 feet. After the storm, we could see the fire that was started by lightening in Palm Beach Gardens. Apparently the PBG fire department just let it burn out since no homes were in jeopardy.

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