West Palm Beach Fishing Reports - Inshore and Offshore

Welcome to WPBFISHINGREPORT.COM. Captain Zito and his crew aboard "Blue Steel" invite you to enjoy these inshore and offshore saltwater fishing reports from in and around Palm Beach as well as other areas of South Florida.

06/26/2011 Offshore Fishing Report Palm Beach

Luke, Kim, LJ, and I hit the inlet around 7am to find 2-4' swells which were a surprise. It may be just me but the weather folks have been awful this year. I am not sure i have seen them get the winds/waves right once so far. Even the day of they seem to get it wrong. I am about fed up with them. Anyhow, once we caught a couple of Bonito, Kim decided it was time for her to go in due to the high seas. After some quality time at Sailfish Marina, we saw a sign from the fishing gods...a giant turtle! We tossed our baits out and sure enough landed a 25lb Cobia! LJ capped off the day with a another Bonito and nice Mutton Snapper. Weedlines were tough to find but we did find a few in 80' of water which is where we got the Cobia. The Snapper was in 140'. Another great trip with the Varadis.

Conditions were terrible for cruising around looking for dolphin so plan b worked pretty well.

06/25/2011 Offshore Fishing Report Palm Beach

The Varadis came down for their annual summer trip and probably experienced the best fishing possible! Despite the choppy seas Kim, Luke, LJ and I hit the inlet around 630am. We loaded up with a few blue runners and greenies and set off in search of Mahi and Sailfish. After about 15 minutes of having lines in the water, LJ hooks up with a 30" Mahi that was in the weeds. Luke caught one shortly after it but we sent it back to grow bigger for the next time they are here. Target species #1, check! Next on to the Sailfish. After finding a solid weedline in 200' of water we set up shop again with some freelines and bottom rigs just to see if we can get a bigger dolphin sitting below the weeds. The slammer rod goes off and a Sail begins dancing across the water as if to say welcome to the Varadis!! Luke fought it for about 25 minutes and finally brought it to the boat. As he got it closer we noticed the Sail had wrapped himself in the fishing line and was not doing well. As Luke pulled him to me, i noticed he was not alive. It was such a great moment to catch a Sail but its shame to see the die! We tried to revive him but to no avail. After the celebration we set up a couple more drifts and could only manage bonito so we headed in before the storms. Aunt Carol wanted to head up to the Juno Pier to fish so we packed up and headed out around 3pm. There was so much bait around the pier it was incredible. Within 5 minutes and his first cast Luke landed a Snook to finish off the day!
Conditions were choppy with water temps around 84. Weed line was heavy in about 150-200. We fished the tide going out.
Here are some pictures from the trip!

06/19/2011 Offshore Fishing Report

After Lincoln overslept we arrived just in time to see the smoke stacks fall. After the show we headed out to try to catch bait but that proved to be very difficult especially with the 500 other boats that had the same idea. Instead we started cruising around and saw a huge ray jump. Naturally we took a run over there and found a cobia that looked to be 50lbs easy. Chris tossed out a ballyhoo in front of it just like they tell you but captain jeff didnt tie on a strong enough leader and the cobia flossed with it. That pretty much sums up the day other than bonita bonita bonita. They have arrived in full force. Anywhere from 50' to 150' we found them. Also saw a great weedline in 50' of water...too bad it wasnt in 200' but we did toy with a baby mahi. He was definitely lost in 50' with no others around. Water was fairly calm with a chop picking up as the morning went on. Still having difficulties find bait. Fished from breakers to lost tree anywhere from beach to 1000'. Could not find any weeds and gave up when we hit 1000'.

06/17/2011 Offshore Fishing Report

Headed out after work to find sloppy seas and strong SE breeze. Ran out to find some weeds however there was nothing to be found. Ran in to try for snapper and caught 2 remora. Only spent a couple of hours on the water which most of was spend looking for weeds and navigating the rough seas. Probably the fishing gods telling me that fishing is not as easy as it was this past Sunday. Storms were in the area but seabreeze kept them inland. Current was pretty strong but hard to tell with the rough seas anyhow. Also probably did not help that the moon was waning and reports of cold water making its first appearance of the summer. Will try again on Sunday.

06/12/2011 Offshore Fishing Report

Chris and I hit the inlet around 1230 and headed straight out with some dead ballyhoo and frozen sardines in search of dolphin. We figured worst case we end up at Peanut Island but little did we know we would run into Dolphin like it was nothing! We started off the day with a small peanut and it tangled all of our lines and we cut the wrong line when trying to sort the mess and lost it. Hoping it wasnt out only chance we went back for more and found a huge school of mahi ready to eat. We got 3 in before we drifted out of the school and found 2 large bonito. We saw 2 barracudas cruising the surface and decided to head back to the sweet spot. Then the chaos began. I swear the school of dolphin we found was hundreds. We couldnt get rods in fast enough and fish off quick enough. It was incredible. Always good to say you left the fish hungry and biting! Conditions were slightly rough by not unbearable. I would say a sloppy 2-3'. Water was very clear with a N/NE wind at about 10-15 knots. All dolphin were caught in about 200-250' and 100' for the bonito. We fished directly off Singer Island. This was the same location that i caught dolphin last summer with my cousin and by myself. Same week too! I think i will be fishing the same spot next June!!

05/20/2011 Offshore Fishing Report

We decided to take part in the 13th Annual Simmons and White Fishing Tournament once again and cleaned up on Kingfish! We ended up with a 28lb Kingfish caught by Reelsgood and won the whole tournament! We tried to catch bait near the inlet but only got a handful so we tried the pier with no luck and then it was time to fish. The ocean was calm for the most part with a couple of gusts that created a bit of a chop but overall was a great day on the water. The Kings were biting in 100' pretty much on first drop. We used dead sardines, live greenies, and dead ballyhoo and all three had success. Once we had the monster king we tried for Dolphin but could not find them! Great tournament as always and was a great day on the water.