West Palm Beach Fishing Reports - Inshore and Offshore

Welcome to WPBFISHINGREPORT.COM. Captain Zito and his crew aboard "Blue Steel" invite you to enjoy these inshore and offshore saltwater fishing reports from in and around Palm Beach as well as other areas of South Florida.

06/12/2011 Offshore Fishing Report

Chris and I hit the inlet around 1230 and headed straight out with some dead ballyhoo and frozen sardines in search of dolphin. We figured worst case we end up at Peanut Island but little did we know we would run into Dolphin like it was nothing! We started off the day with a small peanut and it tangled all of our lines and we cut the wrong line when trying to sort the mess and lost it. Hoping it wasnt out only chance we went back for more and found a huge school of mahi ready to eat. We got 3 in before we drifted out of the school and found 2 large bonito. We saw 2 barracudas cruising the surface and decided to head back to the sweet spot. Then the chaos began. I swear the school of dolphin we found was hundreds. We couldnt get rods in fast enough and fish off quick enough. It was incredible. Always good to say you left the fish hungry and biting! Conditions were slightly rough by not unbearable. I would say a sloppy 2-3'. Water was very clear with a N/NE wind at about 10-15 knots. All dolphin were caught in about 200-250' and 100' for the bonito. We fished directly off Singer Island. This was the same location that i caught dolphin last summer with my cousin and by myself. Same week too! I think i will be fishing the same spot next June!!

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